
AAPAC only interviews candidates who submit a written request asking for an endorsement.

Candidates must submit their endorsement request to AAPAC in writing. AAPAC’s Endorsement Committee will then start the review process. This process includes any or all of the following: research of the candidate’s voting record, review of his/her positions on the issues, review of his/her public statements, and/or a personal interview. The Endorsement Committee will then submit its recommendation to the general membership at the Endorsement Meeting. At that meeting, only candidates who obtain two-thirds of the votes will be endorsed.


AAPAC uses all available resources to campaign on behalf of the candidate they endorse.

Once AAPAC endorses a candidate or a ballot proposal, its members will use all available resources to campaign on behalf of the candidate or proposal. The campaign may include: local TV appearances and commercials, newspapers ads, appearance with the candidate at community events, distribution of slate cards at the polls on election day, lawn signs, and most importantly direct bilingual mailing to Arab American registered voters in the affected area. 
